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(NEW) Beyond the MaidAs with most games, capturing the actual history behind the dramatic events of Joan of Arc's Victory took priority over including some fascinating “might have beens.” Now, with the Beyond the Maid Refit Pack, you can game out the critical first turn's Siege of Orleans in detail and then explore how much more (or less) both sides could have brought to bear. More Info » |
(NEW) Beyond VicksburgAs with most games, capturing the actual history behind the dramatic events of The Vicksburg Campaign took priority over including some fascinating “might have beens.” Now, with the Beyond Vicksburg Refit Pack, you can use an exciting pre-game to explore how a daring Union cavalry raid rattled the Confederacy and prevented them from concentrating their forces to defend Vicksburg. More Info » |
Beyond the MetaurusAs with most games, capturing the actual history behind the events of the Battle of the Metaurus took priority over including some fascinating “might have beens.” Now, with the Beyond the Metaurus Refit Pack, you can explore how much more (or less) both sides could have brought to bear. More Info » |
Beyond MidwayAs with most games, capturing the actual history behind the events of Midway took priority over including some fascinating “might have beens.” Now, with the Beyond Midway Refit Pack, you can explore how much more (or less) both sides could have brought to bear. More Info » |
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