Classic History: A Turning Point in Game Simulation
Most gamers are familiar with Mitchell and Creasy's classic of military history, Twenty Decisive Battles of the World.
We thought it would be particularly great to be able to game all 20 of those battles.
Now you can.
The people who bring you Against the Odds Magazine now have a sister company, Turning Point Simulations, that's created a new sort of gaming experience...classy, and rather small, with mounted boards or quality playing cards...all games with low complexity but high challenge and play value.
All 20 battles from Mitchell's and Creasy's book (left), from Marathon to Stalingrad, have been published. Available individually, or choose to collect them 2 or 3 at a time using our Special Offers.

Some of the games come from the "hall of fame" of game designers—Berg, Markham, Prados. Others come from those who have proven themselves with a few quality designs over the past 15-20 years, like Mark McLaughlin and Ed Wimble, while still other designs come from strong up-and-comers, like Hjalmar Gerber or Lembit Tohver.
These games all have distinct designs—there is no single "Decisive Battles" ruleset that gets modified 20 different ways. But they all share some common goals... interest...playability...quality components. While the series will be aimed to "look" like a series (and look sharp on a bookshelf), these games are all meant to be played.

And we've gone one step more. Mitchell's updated book was printed in 1964 and stopped with Stalingrad. What one more battle might he have chosen if writing today? To that end we've commissioned a special 21st game, We Are All Mortal, that examines the events surrounding the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962 - potentially "the most decisive battle of all time" indeed - if it had been handled differently. Get your boxed copy of We Are All Mortal free (while supplies last) when you purchase all 20 titles (in boxed format) from us. The quickest way to do that is purchase the entire set using the special order form on the We Are All Mortal page (get all 20 boxed games plus WAAM) but you also can collect them more slowly over time - you decide!
Take a look through our site. Look over the on-line rules and sample components. We look forward to hearing from you with your questions and interests. Check out our TPS forum on Consimworld for chat. Join us there...
Twenty Decisive Battles of the World—the Game Series.
It's here. Climb aboard and enjoy the whole ride.