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In 1964, historian Lt. Col. Joseph B. Mitchell published a compact book, Twenty Decisive Battles of the World, an expansion of Sir Edward Creasy's most famous work from a hundred years past, updating it into the 20th Century.

Turning Point Simulations (TPS), a division of LPS Inc, examines these 20 battles with a new series of boxed wargames. These games emphasize accessibility and playability, and come with hard-mounted maps and mounted, die-cut counters. Each battle is presented in a design of low complexity, but high challenge, from some of the industry's top designers.

And be sure to check out our sister publication Against the Odds!

While TPS games focus on the decisive battles across time, Against the Odds magazine investigates all of military history from a broad perspective. The economic, political, religious and social aspects of warfare are examined in concert with events on the battlefield. Get yourself truly "connected" with games and gaming by subscribing to Against the Odds! Learn more...

Total Search Results: [ 28 ]

Collect Them All Now!

Want them all? Choose this option to purchase all 21 Turning Point games in the series now, at a very reasonable price.

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Just The Boxes

We've converted our entire line of games over to using new sturdy cardboard boxes. Want to upgrade your existing set of TPS games into these beauties?

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The Battle of Marathon

The Battle of Marathon

"A battle that not merely settled the fate of two armies, but the whole future progress of human civilization."

-- Edward Creasy

The Battle of Marathon took place where, oddly enough, two armies confronted each other for FIVE days with almost no fighting, and Athenian democracy was put to the test as the Greek forces debated (and voted) whether or not to attack the Persians.

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The Siege of Syracuse

The Siege of Syracuse

Athens Brought Low!

Maybe one of the oddest things about the lengthy Peloponnesian War (29 years!) is that, after decades of balance, the Athenians actually lost it with a campaign well away from the Greek mainland.

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The Battle of Arbela

The Battle of Arbela

Alexander's Greatest Victory!

The odds? Best modern estimates put them at something worse than 5-1 against Alexander. His 47,000 troops are fairly well documented. The Persian emperor, Darius, commanded something over 250,000 (although some accounts place the figure much higher).

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The Battle of the Metaurus

The Battle of the Metaurus

How Hannibal Lost the War...

As people think over the actions of Hannibal in the 2nd Punic War, many great battles come to mind…Lake Trasimene, Trebia, Cannae and Zama…

Yet, Mitchell chose The Battle of the Metaurus as the decisive battle for the entire war. How can that be? Hannibal was not even there!

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